Ben Wood


Ben natural approach gives him that winning ‘guy next door’ sound. Perfect for your next campaign

Selina Hynes


Selina has a warm natural tone and bring your script to life with reads which will make your products standout.

Rhiannon Boulger


Need sparkle? Rhiannon delivers! From her straight reads to characters, Rhiannon will make your next commercial standout from the crowd.

Daniel King


Daniel has that young everyman sound with some great characters and attitude.

Keren Knight


Keren in the young sound of today, with a young approach and naturally familier.


Mark Callahan


Mark has versatility with great character. Add Mark to your next campaign and watch the results.

Ursula Daly


Ursula has a bright natural approach to her voice. If you’re after a ‘national’ sound to your campaign, Ursula will add the class.

Marc McCredie


Marc has a friendly, versatile and natural style gained after voicing commercials for radio and TV for over 20 years. He is also a mad supporter of the Mighty Roos North Melbourne Footy club, but we won’t hold that against him!

Karina Rose


Karina has the natural ability to sell. From her luxury voice to hard sell, Karina will have your product standing out on-air.

Mel Fry


Mel lives and breathes radio and has been voicing commercials since she was 3 years old.

Whether you’re looking for high energy retail, sales or corporate, Mel has a warm, professional and upbeat sound that will bring any read to life.