Mel Fry


Mel lives and breathes radio and has been voicing commercials since she was 3 years old.

Whether you’re looking for high energy retail, sales or corporate, Mel has a warm, professional and upbeat sound that will bring any read to life.

Wendy-Maree Milich


Wendy-Maree has extensive experience on both sides of the mic. Her natural approach for characters and ability to sell makes Wendy-Maree’s reads perfect for your next campaign.

Leah Stanistreet


Leah has that young vibrant sound is very now! From corporate, promos to retail, Leah will have your product jumping out of the speakers.

Matthew David


Matt has that young MVO style which fits today’s audio style. A young and vibrant sound which will sit perfectly with your next campaign.

Jacinta Kealley

Jacinta has a fresh sassy vibe with loads of character and a wide range. Add Jacinta to your next campaign and experience the difference.

John Stretton


John has one of the most recognisable voices in town, every town! From his “Great Australian” accent to movie trailers and just being himself, John has a unique sound, perfect for your next campaign.

Jesse Adam


Jesse is based in North America and his voiceover style can only be described as conversational, authentic, guy-next-door, friendly, caring, relatable & trustworthy and naturally believable.


Andrea Crook


Andrea is the twenty something girl next door. Because she is a writer as well, Andrea nails your reads every time.

Brad Pottinger


Brad has a friendly, natural and fresh approach. He has been voicing commercials for TV and radio for years. Brad has a warm, new sound that will highlight your next campaign.

Stu Campbell


Stu has been on the air and in the background writing scripts so he knows the art of achieving the best read for your commercial.